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NRA ballot issue
I receive mine today. One clue in voting: if you cast the entire 25 votes that are allowed, you water down each of them. There's usually about 5 that I consider highly important, maybe even indispensable, to the organization, and then many more who would be good. But if I vote for the many more good ones, I increase the odds that one of them might displace the indispensable ones.
For me, indispensable decorated veteran Steve Shreiner and the always hardworking Carol Bambery, and soon-to-be president Jim Porter. Very, very good means Lance Olson, Sandy Froman, and Bob Sanders. Here's the webpages known to me:
Carol Bambery, hunter, NFA shooter, and busy gun activist. Heads the National Firearm Law seminar each year, chairs Bylaws and Resolutions, serves on a number of committees.
Steve Schreiner, one very dedicated activist, who in Vietnam earned the Silver Star and Bronze Star with with V for valor.
If you know any more webpages like this, please comment.
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