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Working on Second Amendment documentary
Posting has been a bit light, because I'm doing the video edits on the second amendment documentary film. It'll be feature-length (hour and 45 minutes in present form). It is looking VERY good. I just polished up the footage of Prof. Joe Olson, who was an armed civil rights worker in the south in the late 60s, and did more work on the 14th Amendment section. I'll put some clips up when I get time to compress them! The present structure is:
Early English right (mainly covered by Prof. Joyce Malcolm);
American right as it evolved from early colonies to beginning of Revolution (chiefly Joyce, Clayton Cramer, and Steve Halbrook);
Drafting of second amendment, and its early commentators (Prof. Olson, Steve Halbrook, David Kopel);
Total demolition of "collective right" theory (Prof. Glenn Reynolds, Gene Volokh, Nelson Lund, and Randy Barnett. And Prof. Denning on Miller case).
The Afro-American experience -- slave codes, Dred Scott, Black codes, 14th Amendment, the Klan, civil rights era. (Prof. Johnson, Steve Halbrook, others)
Present relevance of the right. Don Kates, Dave Kopel, Roy Innes, Prof. Reynolds.
I can tell you that even in draft form, it is more powerful than I'd planned, which was pretty powerful! I figure to have it available by September.
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