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Condi Rice, Larry King, and the transcript
I previously posted regarding an anomaly in the appearance of Condi Rice on Larry King Live, May 11, 2005. The anomaly was also covered by Instapundit and Countertop.
The anomaly was that media reports of her interview prominently featured her position on the Second Amendment -- which was strongly pro, and mentioned that her father had stood off racist thugs with his gun, and if the local sheriff, the infamous Bull Conner, had had gun registration lists, it's obvious that would not have been possible -- yet the transcript of the show had no such passage. In fact, between two station breaks the transcript indicated that the interview switched to an interview of an actor, then back to her.
To settle the matter, I ordered a videotape of the show. Yes, it's all in there, together with her statement that the Second Amendment is as important as the First, and we don't get to pick and choose which rights we defend.
A further mystery, tho -- the show's transcript now DOES show the passage! (Search it for "gun control" to come to it).
The explanation which best fits known fact is that the transcribing firm (which is separate from the show) found the pro-Second Amendment discussion too shocking for their tastes, and took the liberty of deleting an entire station break to station break segment, and pasting in an interview, of an actor, from the previous day.
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