Stop the Bloomberg Gang! Click the mayors' names above to view their rap sheets

Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors represents Americans united to fight the Bloomberg Gang, a band of organized criminal politicians. Originating in New York City, the Gang has recruited criminal mayors across the United States.
Some of the Gang's members have been convicted of assaulting officers and constituents, corruption, extortion, theft, obstruction of justice, bribery, perjury, tax evasion, child porn, battery, and child molestation. They have attacked constituents and police officers, destroyed houses with sledge hammers, and even stolen gift cards donated for the poor. No crime is beneath them and no enormity beyond them.
The gang hides its intentions behind the deceptive title of "Mayors Against Illegal Guns." This criminal band was organized by N.Y. City mayor Michael "Bloomie" Bloomberg, who is reported to have made illegal gun purchases in several states, which interfered with 18 federal investigations. No wonder that he and his illicit mayors would like to see us made helpless to resist their sociopathic drives.
We call upon Americans to unite against these thugs, and to demand that the Department of Justice use its Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) powers to shut down "Mayors Against Illegal Guns."