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DC police ordered to arrest for possession of fired brass
Emily Miller has story. The Washington DC police department has noted that fired or empty cartridge cases are "ammunition" under its law, which restricts ammo possession to local residents with firearm permits.
Hat tip to reader Jim K....
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For anyone doubting that DC is really wonderland, I quote Lewis Caroll:
" 'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'
'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.' "
"We shall define spent brass as 'ammunition', regardless of logic, grammar or sensibiltiy," says the DC City Council.
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master — that's all."
"And you are all serfs," said the DC City Council.
This goes to show that gun laws are not advanced for safety, but are instead really directed toward suppressing the culture of legal ownership and use of arms, and scaring honest people away from participating in it.
I though I had heard, years ago, that in addition to empty cases, even a single spent primer would get you in jail in DC on "gun" charges. Of course, I heard that before the internet was around, so it may not be true . . .
The is only one problem with the entire DC system. It is unconstitutional. The Constitution places "exclusive legislation" in the hands of Congress. This means exclusive of ALL other governmental entities, state, local, etc. Since the power is transferred from We the People to Congress it would be a breach of trust and a violation of the principles of our government for Congress to delegate ANY authority to ANY other entities. The legal maxim is: Delegata potestes non potest delegari.
Thus EVERY law, rule, and regulation to be applied to DC and promulgated by anyone other than Congress is not legal or binding. The power to legislate is NOT absolute, i.e. not outside the Constitution but must operate under the Constitution, it is only exclusive. Without the Constitution, these is no power for Congress to operate at all in DC or any where else for that matter. Regardless of how wrong the judiciary has been on these topics, these are the facts of the language of the Constitution AND the intent of those who framed the Constitution as per Eliot's Debates.
The language of Article I, Section 8 is unequivocal in its grant of power. Only those with an agenda will read the grant differently than I have set forth. And that agenda is standard fare for most power hungry evil-doers.