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ATF HQ'a response to Operation Gunwalker Hearings
Promote everyone responsible. In particular, agent McMahon will become the Deputy Assistant Director of ATF's Internal Affairs... that is to say, someone who essentially oversaw Operation Gunwalker, and was less than credible in his testimony about it, will become second in command to its division investigating misconduct, and in a good position to level scores with honest agents. Comment here, about a quarter of the way down.
I like "Here's my analysis on McMahon. He was essentially in charge of the western region (ipso facto maravilloso, in charge of Gunwalker). Main Justice knows it, and consented to his promotion.
The promotion itself was a message that DoJ intends to charge full speed ahead on its defense-slassh-deflection of Gunwalker.
But it's also the sound of a shotgun chambering a round for street agents: One of the men directly culpable for this project is now in a position to slit their throats (a la OPR). They seem to be telling their agents to be very careful what they say, and to whom."
Like we used to say in the Army: Eff up and move up. Seemed that every time someone with some clout screwed up, they'd get promoted to a better job just to get them out of someone's hair.
Posted by: sgtlmj at August 1, 2011 09:33 AM
This could backfire. I hope it does.
The agents could believe that they are targets anyway, why not tell all. No reason to hold ANYTHING back. They are going down anyway.
And maybe if they make a big enough stink the higher ups will go down instead of them.
This could go either way.
It does mean that DOJ is doubling down.
If the white wash doesn't work, the fact that they put this guy where they did is a flashing lite that they are covering things up.
Not a bright move but then I never did believe all the hipe about this adminstration was made up of the brightest and best people.
Posted by: Dan Hamilton at August 1, 2011 09:42 AM