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NRA elections
Just got my issue of the Rifleman with the ballot. I thought I'd pass on a few thoughts, and maybe start a discussion.
All the folks that got nominated, and whom know, are very well qualified. This is one first rate body of people.
I would suggest reading the bios carefully to spot those who have special NRA experience. Are they a current board member, head of a state association, that manner of thing? What committees have they served on? (Sometimes you have to read carefully. For example, Col. Brown is a long term board member, but never mentions it -- you have to deduce that from a mention that he's on two committees). It's not that I have any bias for incumbents per se -- it's more that I tend to disfavor "celebrity" directors, who don't have experience with the organization and may have little time to spare for learning. You also want some people who just plain love shooting, as well as the activists (I know it's mostly overlapping, but there are people who have little interest in politics as such, but love to teach people to shoot, and you need folks who will represent that aspect of NRA).
It is a pretty remarkable slate ... oh, a biochemist working on anticancer drugs, a retired judge, a former sub officer turned police captain and then attorney.
I notice two directors who have been elected officers by the rest of the Board (1st and 2d Vice Presidents John Sigler and Ronald Schmeits) are up for election. And the always-inventive Scott Bach has established a webpage listing his qualifications, which are many. (I should also give a special mention to Don Saba, since he's vice president of Tucson Rod and Gun Club, and I spent this morning exploring new sites for its shooting range with him).
Another thing--remember the ballot, and the nominating committee recommendations, are two different things. There's a limit on the recommendations, so they didn't list some interesting people. For example, David Jones, who's been on the board since '97 and mentions a 100% attendance record -- NOT easy to accomplish, with three 3-4 meetings per year. And Amy Heath, Jeff Cooper's grand-daughter.
Chime in with your own thoughts....
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» NRA Elections - The Bitter Endorsements... from The Bitch Girls
It's NRA election time! Those of you who shelled out several hundred dollars get the right to vote. I do not because I don't have lots of money to spare and haven't been a gun owner/member long enough (minimum of... [Read More]
Tracked on February 22, 2006 06:36 PM
Where's Selleck?
Posted by: ben at February 22, 2006 05:57 PM
As much as I hate to admit it, I punched 26 names at random, or sometimes I looked at the state they came from. So much for inteligent voting.
Posted by: Kitty C at February 22, 2006 06:41 PM
I'd be rather curious if any of them collect NFA weapons. One small change could make the '86 ban go away and restore some sanity to the NFA market (though it would also wipe out a few fortunes).
Doing so would be a political fireball, but the only other hope would be an (unlikely) highly favorable 2nd amendment supreme court ruling.
Posted by: Chris at February 22, 2006 09:18 PM
I am also supporting Amy Heath along with Tom King and David Boehm, all from NY where I live. Those of us who live in anti-gun states need to have as much support as possible from the NRA. Who ever you vote for just make sure that you VOTE.
Posted by: George at February 23, 2006 07:37 AM